
Selected Publications by Kees Kingma

Kees Kingma. 2021. Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), a challenge for Peace Research. SVW blog. 

Kees Kingma. 2020. EISA Policy Note on “DDR of Renamo“. Maputo, Mozambique. (Portuguese only)

Lead writer of:  World Bank & UNHCR.  2015.  “Forced Displacement in the Great Lakes Region; a development approach.”  Washington D.C.: World Bank. 

Kees Kingma, Frank Muhereza, Ryan Murray, Matthias Nowak and Lilu Thapa. 2012. “Security Provision and Small Arms in Karamoja: a survey of perceptions.” A study by the Small Arms Survey and the Danish Demining Group. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.

Kees Kingma and Nico Schrijver. 2010. “Demilitarization.” In the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Volume III, pp. 11-14. Heidelberg and Oxford University Press.

Kees Kingma. 2009. “From Conversion to Peace-building; a reassessment of demobilization and reintegration in Africa.” In Michael Brzoska and Axel Krohn (eds.) Overcoming Armed Violence in a Complex World. Opladen/Farmington Hills: Budrich UniPress. pp. 65-78.

Peter Batchelor and Kees Kingma. (eds.) 2004. Demilitarisation and Peace-building in Southern Africa. Volume I: Concepts and Processes. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Peter Batchelor and Kees Kingma. (eds.) 2004. Demilitarisation and Peace-building in Southern Africa. Volume II: National and Regional Experiences. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Peter Batchelor, Kees Kingma and Guy Lamb. (eds.) 2004. Demilitarisation and Peace-building in Southern Africa. Volume III: The Role of the Military in State Formation and Nation-building. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Kees Kingma. 2004. “The Demobilisation of Military Personnel.” In Geoff Harris (ed.) Achieving Security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies. pp. 157-171.

Nicole Ball and Michael Brzoska, with Kees Kingma and Herbert Wulf. 2002. Voice and Accountability in the Security Sector. BICC Paper 21. Bonn.

Kees Kingma. 2002. “Demobilization, Reintegration and Peacebuilding in Africa.” International Peacekeeping. Vol. 9, No. 2. pp. 181-201. Also published in: Newman, Edward, and Albrecht Schnabel (eds.). 2002. Recovering from Civil Conflict; Reconciliation, Peace and Development. London: Frank Cass. pp. 181-201.

Kees Kingma. 2002. “Researching the Implementation and Impact of Demobilisation in Africa.” In Hartmut Quehl (ed.) Living in Wartimes – Living in Post-Wartimes; proceedings of an international workshop on the Horn of Africa, Melsungen, Germany. Felsberg: Edition Eins. pp. 37-56

Kees Kingma. 2001. “Demobilization and Reintegration in Post-war and Transition Countries: trends and challenges of external support.” Eshborn: German Technical Cooperation (GTZ).

Kees Kingma. 2001. “Demobilizing and Reintegrating Former Combatants.” In Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz (eds.) Peacebuilding: A Field Guide. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers. pp. 405-415.

Kees Kingma. 2000. “Post-war Societies” and “Demobilization and Reintegration Experiences in Africa”, and co-author with Natalie Pauwels of “Demobilization and Reintegration in the Downsizing Decade”. In Natalie Pauwels (ed.) War Force to Work Force: Global Perspectives on Demobilization and Reintegration. Baden-Baden: NOMOS.

Kees Kingma. (ed.). 2000. Demobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa; the development and security impacts. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press.

Kees Kingma and Kiflemariam Gebrewold. 1998. “Demilitarisation, reintegration and conflict prevention in the Horn of Africa.” Discussion paper. London: Saferworld.

Kees Kingma. 1998. “Demobilisation and Reintegration: an Overview.” In Kiflemariam Gebrewold (ed.). “Converting Defence Resources to Human Development.” Proceedings of an International Conference, 9-11 November 1997. Report 12. pp. 12-20. Bonn: BICC.

Kees Kingma. 1997. “Demobilization of combatants after civil wars in Africa and their reintegration into civilian life.” Policy Sciences. Vol. 30 No 3. pp. 151-165.

Kees Kingma and Kiflemariam Gebrewold. 1997. “Demobilisatie en herintegratie in de Hoorn van Afrika.” Transaktie Vol. 26. No. 3. pp. 394-405.

Kees Kingma. 1996. “The Role of Demobilisation in the Peace and Development Process in Sub-Saharan Africa: conditions for success.African Security Review Vol. 5. No. 6 pp.33-42.

Principle author of chapter 4 (on demobilization) of: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). 1996. Conversion Survey 1996; Global Disarmament, Demilitarization and Demobilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kees Kingma. 1995. “Demobilisierung und Wiedereingliederung von Soldaten: Wichtige Schritte im Friedensprozeß. ” In Hanne-Margret Birckenbach, Uli Jäger and Christian Wellmann. Jahrbuch Frieden 1996. Munchen: Verlag C.H. Beck, pp. 177–188.

Michael Brzoska, Kees Kingma and Herbert Wulf. 1995. “Demilitarization and Conversion.” Paper 1. Bonn: BICC. Also included in: Military Conversion for Social Development; Report on BICC Panel Discussion at the World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, 8 March 1995. Report 5. Bonn: BICC.

Kees Kingma. 1993. “Can Development be Measured?The Courier no. 137 – January-February: pp. 70-72.

Kees Kingma. 1987. “Voedselproblemen in de Derde Wereld: een verdelingsprobleem?” (Third World Food Problems: a matter of distribution?) Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie, Amsterdam, 10e jaargang, no. 3: pp. 59-79.

Kees Kingma and Nico Schrijver. 1986. “Inleiding” in: Jan van Bergen, Kees Kingma and Josephine Verspaget (eds.) Honger op ons Bord (book on politics and food-security). Amsterdam: Evert Vermeer Stichting. pp. 15-28.